Weihua crane ars used in the assembled link in TianGong 2 launch
Tiangong 2 is launched independent research and development in china on september 15, 2016. Weihua cranes play important role in assembled link.
The Weihua group engineer Liu Guanghui says that the Weihua brand 50t double girder overhead crane of lifting height 76m is installed on vertical assembled plant and used to launcher, Tiangong 2 space laboratory and arrangement both. At the same time, it can shipped to launch tower after installed link by functional check and union test. Weihua crane participate and complete the last link before launch. Meanwhile, this link is the most important link in launch process.
According to the introduction, this crane use the international leading technology of redundancy control technology and preventing winding technology, which provide guarantee for assembling of Tiangong 2.
Redundancy control technology is equipped two control systems, which can switch to another control system to ensure the equipment normal running in the event of a failure.
The cable can twine easily to influence degree of accuracy and precision when the lifting height get to 76m. Preventing winding technology can make cable keep away from twist and finish instruction accurately by simulate law of motion and design mathematical model.
Liu Guanghui says that this crane collect other international leading control model process control, close control, operation platform control and counter control to meet all kinds of requirements and make equipment more flexible, quick and safe.
At present, Weihu group establish good cooperative relationship with four satellite launch center of China and play the important role in maiden flight of Long March 7 too. Meanwhile, Weihua group has participated in important aerospace project of Shenzhou 10 and Chang’e 3.